18 August 2010


J. very obligingly made me graham crackers a couple of nights ago, to go with the peach ice cream he also very obligingly made me. I actually was going to make the grahams myself, from the recipe in that new book I was telling you about, but when I suggested replacing about 5 ingredients and at least one technique I was scoffed at and asked to step aside, probably for the best, but who knows, mine could have been genius. It's not that I didn't like the recipe, it's just that we didn't have all the exact ingredients and I didn't want to wait. You know, one dairy product is as good as another right? Apparently not, so he pulled out his very precise little digital scale and went to work. Results? Excellent.


These are the cookies he made during our informal bake-off the other day:


For the record, here are things I added and removed from my bake-off recipe:

Strawberry jam, whole oats, buttermilk, extra flour, extra baking powder, extra egg

white sugar, candied ginger, whole milk

and it came out just fine, thank you very much, no scale required.

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