30 December 2010


We never quite got around to decorating the gingerbread men, or even baking them. We waited too long to find a good cutter, oh well, another year. We had plenty of sweets and now we have gingerbread dough in the freezer for another day.


But I think the day after strata will have to become a regular thing, all the chopped up bits of old bread, leftover vegetables and the stray bit of fruit even, the extra milk and butter steeped with garlic and thyme left over from making the mashed potatoes, bits of cheese and salami from the antipasti and a bunch of eggs, all left to mush up on the counter for the early afternoon.



I baked it at a low temperature, covered for most of the way, in a water bath, I'm not sure I've tried that before but it was a good technique, it came out consistent and tender, no grey egg or undercooked spots. Delicious dinner,  tidied up fridge, super.


26 December 2010


Yesterday was lovely, oceans of wrapping paper and dirty dishes and friends, near and far. I'm making a strata out of leftovers right now, maybe I'll show you later.

These are just a few from around town, sometimes I see things I would take pictures of if I were traveling, but because I see them all the time I take them for granted, I'm trying to change that.



19 December 2010

hello from december

Recently I stopped buying the Sunday Times, didn't renew my New Yorker subscription and stopped bringing home the weekly local papers. And what a success so far! I'm reading more books, I don't come downstairs in the morning and think that I have to wade through all the paper on the counter before I get to doing whatever wants or needs to get done. There is of course a little loss and sense of loss, but much more freedom and sense of freedom.

It doesn't mean that now I have as much time as I need for everything I want to do, but I like the reminder that I get to choose.

holidays aren't really a big deal for me, but colored lights are nice, also food with friends. We almost took the year off from trees, but J. convinced me we should get one, and I'm glad we did.