31 October 2010

last day, favorite month


So if you want one of those not cut all the way through jack-o-lanterns, I think the trick to making it glow properly is to scoop out the inside really aggressively before you start carving the design on the outside.
We made cassoulet for dinner, sausages, duck legs, flageolet beans, endive, other things. . . and apple, dried cherry, sweet vermouth crisp, pistachio ice cream


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20 October 2010

indian summer

this week has been so beautiful, the fall sunlight just kills me, every year.



applesauce, music, a little t.v., a little exercise, some errands, some yard work, things just are this week, nothing flashy.




11 October 2010

exploring, a little

I have really been enjoying the "photos taken nearby" feature of the mobile flickr app, such a funny way to see little snippets of other people's lives. I added this image of my lovely macchiato today, at the Water Avenue Coffee Company, so other ramblers may perhaps enjoy it on their rambles

08 October 2010

when life gives you tomatillos

This is our recreation of a dish we used to love at a restaurant in Greenpoint called Brooklyn Label. They eventually took this off the menu, before we even left the area, and I think the chef has changed now as well. Hey look, I just looked up their website for reference and they are serving Stumptown Coffee, wow, the two coasts just get closer and closer together don't they?


Anyhow, soft polenta with pork shoulder stewed in spicy tomatillo salsa, poached eggs. I added some of my delicious zucchini relish for a little bright note on top. It doesn't photograph all that well, but this is really really delicious. I think it was a successful recreation, we could go a little spicier next time, even. You have to get up early in the morning to start the polenta if you want to have it for brunch, but soaking the cornmeal overnight on the countertop helps.
